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Welcome to the NFCDA

NSO Family Cultural and Development Association


The Nso Family Union, GTA is a social, non-profit, non-religious and non-political organization whose aims are to promote and foster unity and solidarity amongst its members. Mindful of the importance to preserve and promote our identity and cultural values, we, the sons and daughters of the Nso Kingdom, Bui Division, North West Region of Cameroon, in unison hereby solemnly and voluntarily bond ourselves into an organization which shall be non-partisan, non-violent and non-political in nature.


Here are the things we do :

Create Forum

We create a forum through which all sons and daughters of Nso Kingdom, their families, associates and friends can come together, know each other, socialize, promote their culture and foster socio-economic development in Canada and assisting in the development of the Nso kingdom where possible and necessary.

Create Medium and encourage Members

We create a medium through which issues affecting the Nso people and their families in GTA area and Canada at large can be discussed collectively and resolved. We encourage members to assist one another and new or incoming Nso people in the GTA area Canada.

Indulge in fund raising activities

We indulge in fund raising activities to raise funds and help with humanitarian projects such as buying medical supplies for hospitals, helping IDP's and orphans.


Take a look at Pictures of our previous events.

The Executive

In progress . . .

Contact our Association

Get in touch with us

If you have a question concerning our association, feel free to contact us.